With my education, background in psychology and as a
Master Networker & Super Connector --
I, Kimberly Reyes, am passionate about helping people make authentic connections that help them move forward in life and in business. It's all about how you see and are seen...
If you are not getting an R.O.I. - Return on Your Investment... that means -- time & money spent --
You are building a Social Network... NOT a professional network that will help your business grow!
It's time to start thinking about Networking as part of your business strategy. It's not enough to just show up somewhere and hope that business drops in your lap. You can make this so much easier and profitable... when you learn a few tips, tools & techniques.
It's not about business cards... Everyone is taught about networking & business cards...
It's about People
I can give you 3 tips about business cards & put that topic to rest.
Let's move past the business card & coffee date to real business growth & profits.
When searching for the right networking group, it's important to look beyond the
name and mission statement to see
the culture being perpetuated in the group.
The structure of the Organization is Vital...
But, each chapter will have it's own culture.
But, each chapter will have it's own culture.
When you break everything down it's always
about the psychology of people and interpersonal relationships: Always.
One of the things that I work with and teach clients about is
factor behind the people
attending the Networking group or event.
Your time is valuable. It doesn't mean that one person is better or more important than another. It just means that we are all in a different place in our lives and businesses. We have different motivators. That is what makes life beautiful. What motivates you?
One technique I teach clients is that you don't need to meet everyone in the room... You need to meet the right people for you in the room. That doesn't mean that you don't talk to people or make connections where you can... It means that you are strategic about meeting a minimum of the 2-3 people that you identify as a good fit and make an effort to connect with those people before you leave the room....
Who is right for you?
Who is showing up?
Who is the membership base and leadership of that group?
Does that group fit into your strategic networking plan?
Are they right for you
Are they going to help you move your business forward?
Are they filling a different need for you?
All of the following are valid reasons for attending networking events. You need to know yourself and who is filling the room... Do you know and can you recognize them?
- Some people are SoloPreneurs that miss people and just need to get out to make human contact.
- There are many Hoppers following the "dream" & the shiny penny... they jump from business opportunity to business opportunity and never excel and move forward in any business.
- There are many people that are involved in multiple home businesses.
- There are other entrepreneurial hobbiests that don't really need the business to excel to survive because they have a dual income family, retirement, second job... or other source of income. They like the idea and feel of owning a business. It may give them a sense of purpose... but, they are driven by a different model than the others.
- There are people that are looking for recruits.
- There are people looking to sell their products and services.
- There are people looking for collaborative partners.
- There are people looking for strategic alliances.
- There are people that want to truly help you move your business forward
- There are people that want to connect you with people that help you move your business forward.
- There are people there that are just there to find a way to help themselves.
What motivates You? Who are You in the Room?
Who do you want to be seen as?
For most people it should be a Relationship Strategy
There should be MORE people emerging as Super Stars!
I am teaching my clients how to work smarter ... not harder and turn Connections into Cash.
Learn to leverage your networking connections to
create profits for everyone involved....
Kimberly Reyes
Pathfinder, Lifestyle Curator, Super Connector, Master Networker, Author & Speaker
Kimberly Reyes
Pathfinder, Lifestyle Curator, Super Connector, Master Networker, Author & Speaker
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