Oh... the things that we say and do...
The anonymity of online or written word has led to some bad behaviors.
It's a big topic with social interaction. I am getting complaints left and right about people making rude comments in writing that they would never make in person.
Dating: Does anonymity make you braver, bolder or more apt to push the envelope? Women are getting propositioned and approached like they would never be addressed in person.
I heard the analogy years ago... "We men cast a wide net and see what bites."
"Ask many and someone will say yes."
Maybe that is the same mentality with the written word and dating... Send out the normally offensive proposal and see who says yes???? I am not sure. Faceless, nameless seams to temper the fear and definitely create a veil for poor etiquette and discarded class. Does anyone for one moment think that anything healthy or positive can come of such interactions? A hook-up is easy everyday of every week. I guarantee that any woman could make it happen in less than an hour if that is what she wanted...
1 Day Dating Workshop
Coming SOON!
Networking: I was a guest on a radio show this week and the host was so irritated by her Facebook page and issues with members of her group, that we spent 16 minutes of a 30 minute interview discussing the etiquette of social media and how she could get people to better connect and engage. That was not the topic that we were supposed to address. So much frustration.If you are only interested in yourself, your needs, wants and desires... Post online incessantly about your offer... on every page and empty post that you can find... You are only going to isolate yourself. More is not necessarily better. You will alienate your audience.
When you post in a group or on a page... notice the culture of the members involved. Check out the pinned post and rules at the top. Be conscious and courteous. Be your charming self online and in person. Be consistent. You may be the loveliest person face to face... BUT, if you act without integrity online... that is how you will be perceived in person.... Work smarter not harder....

Etiquette Counts: In person, Online and in Writing.
Those types of interactions are not leading to true Connections.
I am not even sure that they are leading to shallow Connections...
A nameless, faceless presence does not give people cart blanch to trample all over other people.
It's so much about the Me generation. If you honestly wish to connect in an authentic way with people... You need to switch from a ME to a WE. Be of service and think of others along your journey. That will only serve you in the end... Pay attention to your communication for 24 hours... How many times do you say Me or I? What about We or Us? Food for thought... How do people related with you? Are you a ME or a WE?
Learn more on how to relate and create strong, authentic connections with others. I teach unique tools and techniques to learn how to make relationships that last a lifetime...
Join Me. I am the bridge that will guide you on your path from one side of the journey to the other with ease.... Release the fear and learn to communicate and connect with grace and ease...
Kimberly, I teach business etiquette and email etiquette and am amazed at what people don't know. Great post! Thanks for sharing.