Thursday, May 29, 2014

An Extrovert's Guilt, Shame & Fear.... A Confession

Food for Thought....

With my background in psychology, my post as Super Connector & Master Networker - - I often work with clients and teach them how to interact & connect with someone that has a different personality style. We all long for community and to connect on a deeper level. Most of us did not learn those skills from our family of origin AND the ease in which we connected as children has left us long ago....

I work with each client to create a safe harbor for exploration & discovery. During that specialized process we explore ways that we show up, see the world and ways that we can shift our personal paradigms to see others in a new light, and connect with more success and ease... Introversion and extroversion is a key element that we tackle. It's life changing when we identify ourselves and can see others without judgement.

Judgement and debunking misconceptions is a vital part of the process.... Invariably, the way that we think about and identify each other, and even ourselves, is based on our own personal lens.... That Filter has been affected by our past, surroundings, personal style and experiences. Our perception very rarely has anything to do with the person being judged ....

My Personal Journey

Always a new paradigm to shift to... and through to the next. My life has been a series of continually shifting, flowing paradigms as I work on the journey to the life that I want and to the Best person that I can be...

This work isn't for everyone. Many don't even know where to start... I have been doing this for over 25 years and every time I tackle something Big... Something else shows itself.

I work closely with women and in community to help others on their journey. They know that I am not perfect, that I have lived a thousand lives, that I will always be me and honest... But, most importantly they know that I am a safe place to land... because I live it and I understand.

Do I need to share this because I am an extrovert that needs to be heard? No. I would be happy as a clam to journal and tuck it away. I share because what I learned in the beginning of this journey, is that when I share it reaches people. People that I may not reach any other way... and people that may not be reached by anyone else. The letters and messages keep me sharing. It's not always fun. I see change. I am of service, because I always want other women's journey to be easier than mine. If I can make one women's journey easier... It's worth it.

I didn't use to share. I didn't used to cry or touch people either... It's a journey. 
Now... I am known in community as the crier and hugger... It's a journey.

Was it easier when I was not connected, didn't see myself clearly or others? Absolutely. I have this internal moral compass that guides me and I just have to keep striving to be the best that I can be. I have to take other people into consideration. With boundaries, I have to acknowledge how I touch the people that I come across... Always conscious.

With the help of a friend...
I shifted and recognized my journey in a new light once again.

Our family of origin and the past that we've led creates our filters...
Including the filter in which we function, see ourselves & the world around us.

Guilt, Fear & Shame

I have been talking about releasing guilt since the beginning of my work: since 1988. My motto that I created to help me move through and release the guilt from childhood has served me well, "Guilt Sucks, Let it Go!"

The next stage of the journey was tackling Fear. Fear is a biggy for most of us. The fight and flight response was a go to for me. I would cut and run at the drop of a hat. It didn't take much. I would stand my ground and fight to the death to defend and protect myself. That usually showed up with words which were sharper than any sword. But, if you disappointed me. I would leave. Learning to stand still is not an easy task... I am standing still.

So... the next stage was shown to me. I love Brene Brown and have been referring her since she released her first Tedx video. I just never got the shame thing. I got guilt. I got fear. I could see how shame manifested in others (funny how that works). I was not able to identify shame in my life. Not that I identified with. I was sure it was there... I just couldn't see it.

Then comes the next paradigm shift...
(This is how it works. Solve one thing and the next appears.)

I was able to identify shame in my life: what it is, how it shows up & how it affects me.

When I am told, "You are an extrovert." To me... it means I don't like you, you irritate me and I can only take so much...
There is shame in that...

When my father told me at 12 that I could ONLY go to the Large family reunion if... "I promised not to be myself." (he did not take me... )
There is shame in that...

When I was told by my mother to tone it down because I made my sister feel bad...

There is shame in that...

When I have dated men that ask me to shift when I am happy & I have to turn it off because it's too much energy for them to handle...
There is shame in that...

When I have dated men that ask for the "other" Kimmy to come back, because I can't keep it contained 100% of the time...
There is shame in that...

When my daughter tells me that she can't be around me & that she doesn't want to deal with me crying or ever hear how I feel-- that it is painful to deal with because she is an introvert...

There is shame in that...

What I realize is that All of my issues related to shame are around my extroversion. Extroversion is the way that a person is hard wired. We can learn to adapt and adjust... but, it's brain chemistry. 

When there is criticism... and there has been a lot... I feel shame, my feelings get hurt and then I feel guilt that my energy has had an effect on other people in a negative way. I feel bad. To take it full circle... Fear comes in... I fear that if I show up with all of my power, energy and shine that I will be alone. That people will leave because I will damage them in some way.  How is that for raw & authentic? Yup. Ouch...

In one way I envy the extrovert that is shallow and unaware.
That has got to be an easier place to live.

On a daily basis when I do public speaking, writing, training, etc. I am the biggest champion of Introverts and I yell it from the mountain tops. Introverts haven't spoken up and have been told that they need to be like someone else. I hate that.  

Truth is... I am a champion of people. I love people. I want everyone to be seen and appreciated for who they are and to cut each other some slack. Including Me. Sometimes I just want people to cut me a little slack. 

When you know yourself and your personality style... You can see others more clearly too. When you see others clearly, there is a deeper understanding of where they are coming from and fewer judgments and misunderstanding. When you frame a person with your personal lens instead of seeing them authentically as they show up...  You will never see authentic.

In the same vein... just because I am able to clearly see other people, I should not dim my light to make others feel like they are more. There is a healthy way to be considerate, compassionate and still be me. All of Me. 

I dimmed my light to make others feel more comfortable. I dimmed my light so that my father would love me and allow others to see and love me. I dimmed my light for my mother so that I would not outshine my sister. I dimmed my light for men that I have dated to try to be a better partner. 

I have tried. But, it seems that I cannot dim my light enough for my daughter. She does not want to be around me. No matter what I try. There is shame in that...

It is so funny that the thing that people are drawn to the most, is also the thing that is criticized that most.

I am confident of the future, my plans, my potential and my journey. I invite you to join me as I am... not as you want me to be. I like who I am and I am standing in my own personal power. 

Just because you are feeling bad about yourself... I will not let you shame me. I respect & honor every woman that I hold space for. I expect the same in return. I will not dim my light or allow myself to take on the guilt.  

No More Shame for Who I Am

I honor Me... 
The woman that I have created and built up from scratch. 
I am worthy.

I invite you to do the same.  Once we honor ourselves and each other, life is beautiful.

Kimberly Reyes
Pathfinder, Lifestyle Curator, Super Connector, Master Networker, Author & Speaker

Helping you design a life connected to your true North


  1. Wow, Kimberly! Amazing description of your journey, your insights, your new understanding. I salute you! You are right -- you can be fully who you are, while still understanding and compassionate for those who aren't like you. Your mission of helping people to understand how profoundly our style differences affect how we show up, how we feel about ourselves, how we interact with others is an important one. Keep up the good work! (from your introvert friend!)

    1. Thank you for your support and feedback Beth. I appreciate your kind words and you know it's been a journey. I really feel solid in my stride. Thanks for hanging in with me while I found my footing. :-)

  2. Beautifully written! I really liked the section about not dimming your light. Yes, we shrink to conform to so many truly insignificant responses from others. As human beings, we all have room for improvement...we know in our hearts what that is, but to protect our gifts and not share them with the universe because of fear is possibly the worst decision we could make in this life. Thank you for continuing to share your gifts, Kimberly! Love You!

    1. Thank you my friend! Love you too and SO appreciate you. Your support is phenomenal. We are all on this journey together. :-) thanks again
