Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Spring Shifts by Design -Reflect, Renew & Redirect

I am all about Designing 
the life you want!

It's Spring and time for me to Reflect, Renew and Redirect! 

Another revelation is that it's time to Paint My Dining Room. 

It has been the center of some amazing meals, love and shared laughter. 
  • The annual Manifesting Your Dreams & Goals Workshop has held space in that room. 
  • Many hours of manifesting, meditation and life changing conversations have been spoken between those walls!
  • Friendships have been forged.
  • Business connections have been initiated!
  • Power & Productivity enclosed between 4 walls.

Pictures of the walls have appeared in over 2 dozen publications that I am aware of: newsletters, ebooks, video seminars, blogs, posts and more...

The room has served us well and now it is time to renew and restore it back to it's original... if not better state. 
We have all been doing the work and I am proud to say that I have outgrown it's words and intention. All that was manifested has become a reality... in it's own form and I am moving along my path in this
 journey by MY design.

So, farewell to the writing and the walls that have comforted and held space for me.... US... POSITIVE to the core.

As I move forward, I am of service & have a special offer ! 
Let me help you create a beautiful space for you...

If you are on a budget, Paint is the perfect and most affordable place to start! Paint can transform your house into a home, change the mood and create the feel that represents You!

Paint is harder to pick than you think. Hire a designer today to save yourself from paying more than necessary for supplies and labor. Kimberly will come into your home or office, using her extensive background in design and environmental psychology to assist you in help you in picking out the right palette and creating the feel that is just right for You!

 Spring Design Special - Spruce Up with Paint
  • One Hour In Home Consult
  • followed by 8 X 10 paint color samples mailed to your home.
  • DIY homeowners will also be gifted with Kimberly Reyes's ebook. Painting, Design and Decorating Tips that Only Industry Professionals Know $14.99 Value

Kimberly Reyes
Lifestyle Curator, Master Networker, Author & Speaker

Kimberly Reyes Lifestyle by Design
Designing a life with grace and ease 

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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Blog Connect: Best Foot Forward!

Today is about Connecting: Socially, Professionally and Personally.

I have had four people tell me this week that they didn't want to craft their profile, bio, letter of intent or correspondence about themselves strategically. They want to throw it out there and have people take them as they are...

I hear a lot of... they take me as I am, this is the real me, I am not fake, I am not going to pretend...

That has nothing to do with it... Words are powerful and crafting them thoughtfully to Put Your Best Foot Forward is Smart. No one wants to hear you talk negatively. You get a very short amount of time to catch someone's attention. They say 6 seconds before they move on.

A Personal advertisement online and on paper is the Best You. Be You... But, be the charming You.

 1 in 5 people getting married today have met online....

So much of life is how you present yourself.

It's not being fake or presenting a false picture of yourself... It is putting your best foot forward...

1 Day Dating Workshop

Coming SOON!

Sign up to be the first to find out! EVENT Will sell out!

Tell your single friends and have them get on the list!

Be in the loop! This event will sell out! Be the first to know

 1 day workshop packed with valuable information to help you navigate the dating world with ease and success! It doesn't have to be so stressful.

Kimberly Reyes
Lifestyle Curator, Master Networker, Author & Speaker

Kimberly R. Lifestyle by Design
Designing a life with grace and ease 

Facebook     Linkedin    Pinterest    Google+    Twitter    Blog

Monday, February 24, 2014

Dating Basics: GPS of Break Ups...

We all hate confrontation, disappointing or the idea hurting someone. But, How do you end a relationship?

  • Go silent and just disappear?
  • Be wishy washy and confuse the situation so that the other person doesn't know whether they should stay or go?
  • Start a fight so that the other person breaks up with you?
  • Create chaos to distract the other person and throw them off?
  • Be Honest and kind?
  • OR Honest and brutal?
What is your break-up style? I hear so many different tactics and they are all just a little too complicated for me...

If you aren't a good fit... You aren't a good fit. Isn't it better just to tell the person that instead of leaving things open ended and up in the air? Really no need to go into a big explanation as to why you are not a good fit. That can just hurt people's feelings. What's the point? Isn't it better to have one short conversation when you know instead of waiting around until things are so uncomfortable that you have no choice but to have, "the talk?"  

So, if I know that they are not meant to be for the long haul, 
I let them know as soon as possible. 

Clearly... Simply... "I think you are a wonderful person, but we just aren't a good fit."

Leaving your reaction open to interpretation will never lead to a clear and decisive end... 

When you say, "it's not you... it's me." That leaves room for people to think that you may get your act together and they could be back in the future. 

If you say nothing encouraging or discouraging, thinking that they will just loose interest and float away... It may cause them to think that you are interested and just need to work a little harder... 

What about the disappearing act? Do you know people in the same circles? Live in the same geographic area? Do you cringe every time you hear your phone ring or worry who you may run into around every corner? 

A little uncomfortable up front saves you from a heck of A LOT of uncomfortable later....

If I know that we are not a match made in heaven... 
I let them know as soon as possible. 

Clearly... Simply... "I think you are a wonderful person, but we just aren't a good fit."


1 Day Dating Workshop

Coming SOON!

Sign up to be the first to find out! EVENT Will sell out!

Tell your single friends and have them get on the list!

Be in the loop! This event will sell out! Be the first to know

 1 day workshop packed with valuable information to help you navigate the dating world with ease and success! It doesn't have to be so stressful.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The things that we say and do... What Happened to Etiquette?

Oh... the things that we say and do... 
The anonymity of online or written word has led to some bad behaviors.

It's a big topic with social interaction. I am getting complaints left and right about people making rude comments in writing that they would never make in person.

Dating: Does anonymity make you braver, bolder or more apt to push the envelope? Women are getting propositioned and approached like they would never be addressed in person.

I heard the analogy years ago... "We men cast a wide net and see what bites." 
"Ask many and someone will say yes." 

Maybe that is the same mentality with the written word and dating... Send out the normally offensive proposal and see who says yes???? I am not sure. Faceless, nameless seams to temper the fear and definitely create a veil for poor etiquette and discarded class. Does anyone for one moment think that anything healthy or positive can come of such interactions? A hook-up is easy everyday of every week. I guarantee that any woman could make it happen in less than an hour if that is what she wanted...

1 Day Dating Workshop

Coming SOON!

Networking: I was a guest on a radio show this week and the host was so irritated by her Facebook page and issues with members of her group, that we spent 16 minutes of a 30 minute interview discussing the etiquette of social media and how she could get people to better connect and engage. That was not the topic that we were supposed to address. So much frustration.

If you are only interested in yourself, your needs, wants and desires... Post online incessantly about your offer... on every page and empty post that you can find... You are only going to isolate yourself. More is not necessarily better. You will alienate your audience.

When you post in a group or on a page... notice the culture of the members involved. Check out the pinned post and rules at the top. Be conscious and courteous. Be your charming self online and in person. Be consistent. You may be the loveliest person face to face... BUT, if you act without integrity online... that is how you will be perceived in person.... Work smarter not harder....

Etiquette Counts: In person, Online and in Writing. 

Those types of interactions are not leading to true Connections
I am not even sure that they are leading to shallow Connections...

A nameless, faceless presence does not give people cart blanch to trample all over other people.

It's so much about the Me generation. If you honestly wish to connect in an authentic way with people... You need to switch from a ME to a WE. Be of service and think of others along your journey. That will only serve you in the end... Pay attention to your communication for 24 hours... How many times do you say Me or I? What about We or Us?   Food for thought... How do people related with you? Are you a ME or a WE?

Learn more on how to relate and create strong, authentic connections with others. I teach unique tools and techniques to learn how to make relationships that last a lifetime...

Join Me. I am the bridge that will guide you on your path from one side of the journey to the other with ease.... Release the fear and learn to communicate and connect with grace and ease...

Kimberly Reyes Lifestyle by Design

Creating a Life with Grace and Ease

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Are You Ready to Date? Now What?

How many times have you heard that there aren't any good people out there to date?
Maybe you just aren't looking in the right place for YOU.

U.S. Statistics say that over 41,250,000 people have tried online dating. 
That doesn't even count ALL of the other options. 
Don't get discouraged! Just figure out the avenue that is right for you!

I am here to be your cheerleader!
I want everyone to be happy and in LOVE!

Are you Ready? There are so many ways to make the process fun... at least less painful :-)

Where do we meet people?
During the upcoming workshop we will be addressing where to go and help you identify which one is right for your personality style!  
For goodness sake... Don't jump into them all right away. Pick one or two and give it a go!

Some Choices:

  • local, regional and national Dating events
  • Singles Groups
  • Activities Groups
  • Paid Match making Services
  • Paid in person mixers: speed dating, slow speed dating, etc.
  • Online chats
  • Online dating/match sites - there are new ones popping up daily.
  • Online game and activity sites
  • Online specific interest community sites
  • Blind dates
  • In Person meeting and connecting
  • Church

We could cover online dating sites for a whole day... Let's figure out your personality style and help you leverage your strengths to make this fun for you... Then we can figure out which venue will net you the Best results!

follow the link below to sign up and find out more...

1 Day Dating Workshop

Coming SOON!

Sign up to be the first to find out! EVENT Will sell out!

Tell your single friends and have them get on the list!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Do you find dating difficult?

1 Day Dating Workshop

Coming SOON!

Sign up to be the first to find out! EVENT Will sell out!

Tell your single friends and have them get on the list!

 I have been fielding questions left &right!!!  It's time for a Workshop.
Be in the loop! This event will sell out! Be the first to know

 1 day workshop packed with valuable information to help you navigate the dating world with ease and success! It doesn't have to be so stressful. 

The event will include information about how to
  • Create a profile that works for you
  • Headshot Magic Tips
  • Identify which online site and in person event will give you the best results...
  • Spot the Scammers and more about Internet safety
  • Make Fabulous first impressions
  • Fun Activities and breakout sessions.
  • A Mixer And more! 

Kimberly R. Lifestyle by Design is all about making the journey easier by giving you the tools and techniques that you need! 

Friday, February 7, 2014 Only $15 Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is almost here

Save 65% on Only $15 for a one month membership.

Follow this link and scroll down the page

Seeing an ex with someone else for the first time....

This seems to be a hot topic right now. I have been fielding lots of calls and messages about this topic...What's my take?

Ah... It's so complex. 

When a relationship ends, it's normally for a pretty good reason. It's not like things are lovey dovey and then we say, "Hey, let's go our own way." Sometimes it's ugly. It takes some trial and error, trying to work things out and then the separation process is long. We are talking about long term relationships here. Not casual or short term dating. 

There are hurt feelings no matter how "smooth" the process and there is a mourning period after the separation. This lasts longer for some than others. But, we have to mourn the loss of what we really wanted that relationship to be. Not what it was... but, what we hoped that it could or would be when we entered into it.

So, when we see our ex with someone new for the first time... it hurts. It doesn't hurt because we want them back. It damages the ego and exacerbates the sorrow. We are once again thrown back into the mourning process and straight into the anger phase.

Some Questions that go through our heads: 
rational or irrational.

  • Could my ex be giving someone new what we had been working so hard to achieve?
  • Did I go through hell to train them to be a better partner for someone else?
  • Have they fixed everything and I lost out?
  • Is it possible that he/she is better or more deserving than I am?
  • Wasn't I good enough? 
  • Why couldn't they change for me?
  • and so on....

Then we start questioning ourselves, our motivations... there is guilt... We want the other person to grow and be happy... and move on... but, what about me and all that I invested in the dream?

SO, here is my response!!!! 

Cut yourself some slack! Time for some self love and care.... and then once you do that... you start to see the new partner's new love interest in a whole new way too. Of course you are a kind human being that wants everyone to have a happy, fulfilled life. But, you are part of this script. A close, personal player in this production. Let the guilt go... I personally think it's healthy to wish the other person be a little miserable. It's human. I hope it doesn't last a long time... But, what the heck? You are human and just the thought makes me laugh and move on.

Reality is... that unless the ex has done some extreme amount of work on themselves that they are just in the throws of a new relationship and on their best behavior. Those behaviors that ended the relationship are not gone. They are transferred to a new partner... They may look happy together and like everything is now perfect for your ex...

It's a mirage.

I say that you never know what goes on behind closed doors... but, if you were in a long relationship with your ex... You have a pretty good idea of the behaviors that go on behind closed doors...

It's a mirage on the outside. The reality exists behind those doors.

It's not better for the new person. You can look at them in a more empathetic way and with more love in your heart at that point. That is healthy for you! You cannot intervene or try to warn the new partner. The knowing has to be for you alone... It doesn't mean that your ex is not a good person either. It just means that they aren't perfect. Those imperfections were not a good fit for you and now they are someone else's problem....

When you have all of the self talk, doubt and pain... shift your paradigm and you will be more at peace.

Cut yourself some slack. Be kind to yourself. You deserve to find and be with the partner that has the same dream and is working toward it with you in tandem. 

YOU Deserve it!

NEXT TIME: Dating after divorce....

THEN: Online dating resources....

Kimberly R. Lifestyle by Design is all about creating the life that you want with grace and ease... It's a journey and hopefully we can all find the path that leads to love, happiness and fulfillment in ALL areas of our lives!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

How would you like to learn how to double your Networking Contacts 
without increasing the number of events that you attend? 

You can just by learning how to connect and communicate more authentically. An easy point of entry into this technique is by identifying a true introvert and extrovert. Once you know your style and can identify someone else's... you can easily honor and appreciate each other as you are!

Start building authentic relationships that can last a lifetime. I started developing these unique tools and techniques about 6 years ago... and as an extreme extrovert... as I look around today, the most powerful relationships in my life and business are with introverts. I had to learn how to develop those relationships and you can too!

Business Tools & Techniques for Introverts & Extroverts Series

Part 1 of a 3 part teleseries starts tonight! Join Us!
7:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M.

We will discuss: How to Identify your personal style: There are many types of Introverts & Extroverts - Learn safe and productive techniques to prepare, attend and thrive in social settings. Develop skills to Intentionally build rapport.

Acquire tools and techniques that you can put into action immediately!

Join Me Here for special Pricing!

Kimberly R. Lifestyle by Design is all about creating the life that you want with grace and ease... It's a journey and hopefully we can all find the path that leads to love, happiness and fulfillment in ALL areas of our lives!

Dating & Valentine's DAY - The Dating Dance

This is NOT going to be popular. But, Holiday's are a dating topic.

Looking at the men sitting in my cue.... (I know that sounds terrible....) BUT, Valentine's Day is 9 days away... Many of my friends are keeping men around for V DAY.... I am considering whether I am going to want them around in 14 days... That seems to make me an oddity in the dating world (you know that I am okay with that).Why keep someone around for a holiday when I know that I won't want to be with them after that day?
Both Men & Women do this...

Is it that bad to be alone on a holiday? FOR ME: YES! Sucks! But, isn't it worse to spend what should be a special time with someone who is not "special?"  Honest thoughts????

I went through a super sad spell with my birthday... and what I realized is that I have not had a partner during any birthday or holiday since I left my husband. I have this amazing amount of love to give and adore making things special for my partner.
There is a gap and it is lonely.

On one hand I have this enormous heart and so much to give & enjoy being able to give that part of myself. On the other hand... I care about the person sitting in front of me and if they are not meant to be with me for a while... it is not fair to either one of us to go through the motions?

I am not desperate or needy. I do however, long for an authentic connection
Something real and I won't settle for less... not on Christmas, Valentine's Day or any other day. I don't fake an orgasm either!
I want the real thing :-)

We get stuck when we settle

Where does being selfish fit into dating? Is it okay to date like a maniac after a separation to feed your ego? Is it okay to have someone hang around on a holiday so that you get a present or feel wanted? Are people doing things to make themselves feel better... but, only end up feeling worse? There is no judgment about what other people are doing. However, I am paying attention. I know that sometimes we need to fill a gap. I can only do what is right for me. I have to always feel comfortable with ME.

I don't think that it is wrong to get what you need when you are dating as long as you are up front and honest about your intentions... or lack of. As I wrote yesterday: It's complex. We are all in different stages after a divorce or separation in our journey of being single. 

The question of the holiday loop is always present... but, not always addressed honestly. What do you think?

When dating - 
It's hard enough to know Who or What is authentically showing up... 
That is the Dating Dance - When to stay & When to move on

Kimberly R. Lifestyle by Design is all about creating the life that you want with grace and ease... It's a journey and hopefully we can all find the path that leads to love, happiness and fulfillment in ALL areas of our lives!