heard her name before. I am confident after that meeting that I will interact and have future connections with both of those ladies. They were both open and interested in similar future business networking. I emailed them both and connected on facebook as well.

As I left the hair salon and looked up the street, I saw a glimpse of sun coming from the direction of home. Sun can be rare in San Francisco during August. I decided to seize the moment and headed to one of my favorite places on earth: The Legion of Honor Museum. I drove up and grabbed the only parking space available: parking karma in full swing. Got out and enjoyed feeling the sun on my skin. Headed to the entrance and listened to classical guitar player as I walked by. Went inside for about forty-five minutes and wandered back outside into the sun. I stopped and listened to the music one more time. I have been coming to this museum for about thirty years. The guitar player, T. Leo King has been here for at least fifteen of those years. I own all of his CD's and today I decided to stop and chat with him. I asked if it was okay if I posted his picture on Facebook. That led into a conversation and I learned all about his most deepest desire. He is a well spoken, intelligent and thoughtful man: educated and has incredible depth. He wants to find a way to improve the water quality in Detroit...to make it just as good as it is in San Francisco. He has taken gigs with people from the water district and other similar departments with the hopes of connecting with the right people. He has tried doing the research, but has had a hard time finding the right resources and information. His heart is full of beautiful intentions and his thoughts were more about helping others than himself... You never know about a man until you listen to his story. We had a beautiful connection. I encourage you to stop and buy his CD's too. He is a talented musician. http://tleoking.com/
So, whether it's a brief encounter, a planned networking event, asking new questions of someone that you've known for a while or stopping to ask a stranger about his dream or passion... it's possible to have multiple authentic connections each and everyday. I am sure that I will be able to help connect each of these people with a relevant resource or connection one day; if not now, in the future as the Rolodex in my head gets even larger.... It's a lovely thing.
Kimberlism: A Day and Life of Conscious Connections are All Connections by Design
Take a Chance Opportunities are all Around You!
Kimberly R Lifestyle by Design
Designing a life with grace and ease
Designing a life with grace and ease
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