I try to go through life making decisions that I won't regret later.
Part of that is taking chances... Little risks reap big rewards... I don't miss opportunities... I embrace them and if they don't work out, I find the positive and leave the rest behind.

I don't think it's possible to reach for anything without stepping out of your space. That includes: happiness, joy, love, success, friendships... and more. You can't remain in your circle and expect connections to come to you and enter your space.

Sometimes it's scary to wander out of your comfortable environment. But, imagine all of the wonder that's out there just beyond your reach...
- New Experiences... Maybe you will discover the one thing that feeds your soul.
- New Relationships... Your soul-mate could be sitting just out of reach.
- New Information... You can't know what's out there to learn until it's presented to you.
- New Business... The Biggest opportunity Awaits! Someone needs just what you are offering.
- New Opportunities.. New opportunities might be around the corner, but you can't see them from there.
- New Collaborations... Others that know your strengths and weaknesses and can identify where to fill in where you need it is an amazing gift!
- New Friendships... People are never who you expect! That is the most beautiful thing of all!
Isn't that exciting? Look at all of the Incredible things that are out there waiting for you! Step outside of your space with me. I am a safe place... Let's do it together! It's a joy to see people blossom. That makes my heart sing!
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What would Motivate you to move out of your safe place? I would love to hear and compare with others. We are all more alike than you think...
Please share here on the blog.

Kimberly R Lifestyle by Design
Designing a life with grace and ease
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