As we interact with other people we need to remember that they are not like us. We are all unique. I am not you and you are not me. There is a disconnect sometimes between people. A jump to judgement that prevents a connection.
My ex-husband and I used to joke that he and I could both look at a billboard on the side of the road, he would interpret it one way, and I would think it said something completely different. Same words, same images... different person interpreting the message. This is often thought of as a male/female "thing". I would say that it is a human nature "thing".

When I talk about your journey and self-discovery, I say to be kind to yourself and cut yourself some slack.
Now that we are really diving deep into connecting and relationships... even Personal and Professional Networking, I would invite you to remember to be kind to the people that you are connecting with. You are the hostess of your space. Our journey is happening along side others that have a journey of their own. We rarely know what that is. If we are lucky enough to be developing deeper connections, those stories will show themselves. We can only control how we act and react.
For example, I went to an intimacy workshop once the day I broke up with my boyfriend. I had signed up for it a long time before and they needed a certain number of people in the room. I didn't want to cancel. That was a deep emotional relationship and I was in a lot of pain. No one knew what I was going through. Do you think that my interactions in that room were the same if it had taken place two weeks earlier when I was sitting in love, or two months later when my heart was starting to heal? Those strangers in that room had no idea what was going on inside of me.
You never know what goes on behind closed doors: in the home or in the mind.
Let's all cut each other some slack, try not to judge or pre-judge and let's just make meaningful connections.

Kimberly R Lifestyle by Design
Designing a life with grace and ease
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