Shifting my childhood Paradigm took lots of Tools.
Gratitude is a Powerful tool to help you Shift any Paradigm.
One of the Main ways that I learned to Transition into
Happiness was to Focus on the
Positive and Consciously Practice Gratitude.
Many self-help books out there talk about how to be grateful and it seems to fall a bit short to me. Most tell you to get a journal and note a few things daily that you are grateful for like family, a raise, the kindness of a stranger. It may be a good place to start, but to truly live in gratitude means so much more. I am still working on it; all part of the journey within.
What practicing gratitude means to me...
- When I get good service I am the first to call a manager and compliment the service provider. I go out of my way and take the time to show my gratitude in stores and restaurants. I didn't realize that this wasn't the norm. People are always quick to complain... but, how often do you praise the service that you get? I have worked retail and in the service industry. It is hard work and the pay is low for high output. I appreciate good service!
- I look for the positive in people and situations. Some call me Polyanna. Not so. We can decide how we want to live and what we choose to acknowledge. This is all part of gratitude. When you look for the positive, you are looking for what you are grateful for even in the face of something that is not pleasant. That doesn't diminish the negative... it just doesn't keep you trapped in the dismal. It allows you an escape and is a survival tool.
- There are times that my body gets a noticeable reaction to a stimulus: the feel of the sun on my skin, the feeling in my heart when I see a child smile, the wave of emotion that I feel when I experience good art, the feel when a song sparks something in me... It is in those times that I stop and acknowledge those emotions and intentionally pay attention in the moment. I am grateful is my mantra. There is a psychological connection between having a feeling and repeating an affirmation in your head that cements the experience.
- Ahhh.... there is nothing like the kindness of strangers. A smile on the street can make my day. Someone that takes the time to open a door for me gets a smile and eye contact that conveys my appreciation.
- I give what I get. That is part of how I move through my space. I offer the things to others that I am grateful for in my life. My journey always seems to go full circle. Think to yourself... What does that look like in your life. Some call it Karma.
- The most life changing thing that I shifted to 30 years ago is when a positive thought pops into my head about someone... when it's appropriate and it almost always is... I share my thought with them. This can be uncomfortable for people. It's sad that people are not used to compliments. I too find it difficult to stand in that space sometimes. I am never insincere. I always mean what I say. But, if I think you have beautiful eyes... I will tell you. If I admire an act or something that you have done... I will tell you. I express my gratitude to individuals in the moment. I believe it is a gift that we can give to each other. Truthfully, this does catch people off guard sometimes. Classes on building rapport teach people how to give a sincere compliment. Can you imagine if everyone just functioned that way naturally? I appreciate people. I am grateful for the kindness of others and share my appreciation daily.

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live them.” - John F. Kennedy
These are just some of the daily exercises that I started slowly implementing into my life years ago and they are just second nature now. They have made a huge difference in my life. I hope that you find what works for you and brings you joy daily.
Next weeks post will discuss the things that truly bring you joy...
Kimberly R Lifestyle by Design
Designing a life with grace and ease
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