I invite you to join me on my journey. Part of that journey is finding out what makes our hearts sing and bring joy into our lives. This is an essential part of the community that I have designed. It's all about the experience: events that are one step above - Spontaneous Connections. We will wander out into the world together to try new activities and thoroughly enjoy tried and true ones side by side. However, I will always infuse what I love and make it special for everyone involved. Life should be special. It should be celebrated; always a special event. We should value each other and particularly learn about loving ourselves...
There is a dramatic difference between self-love, self-confidence and valuing self. That will be part of my journey. I am strong in some of those areas and working on others. We can assist each other with support and encouragement in all arenas, as long as we are open and vulnerable in a safe environment.
The core essence of these blogs is to lead by example. When I committed to this vision and journey about ten years ago I vowed to be open, honest and vulnerable. The first five years were all about deep work on self and adjusting my personal space and environment to match my vision and to shift my personal paradigms so that I could embark on my journey. The last five to six years have been a slow journey to a more public forum. The last two have been completely public.
Public vulnerability has never been easy. I am still struggling with vulnerability in private as well. That is a big mountain to climb. I am determined though... I am steadily standing in that space and will share my fears and struggles along the way. I don't wave my deepest fears and emotions like a flag for everyone to see for my own pleasure. It started when people, specifically women would tell me that I was so strong and they never thought that I had problems, issues or struggles... That is the farthest from the truth. I am showing where I am from, where I have been and the journey/future that I have designed for myself. I show what's inside and am learning to ask for help and admit my weaknesses. That is a strength all in itself. My hope is that women will see that we all have internal struggles and be able to share as well. No matter who you think has it all together, please know that there is always more happening than you know. Many times it is the people that you think are the strongest that are struggling the most. Just because we smile on the outside, it doesn't mean that we are happy all of the time.
The truth is that I know that I am on a path of success: success in love, business and life. I also know that I could not have embarked on this journey of accomplishment without learning to ask for help, showing my flaws to the world and accepting the love and kindness of others. Thank you for allowing me to follow this path in such a public format. It has been a gift to me and I hope that you will join me and allow the gifts to be given back to you...
Kimberly R Lifestyle by Design
Designing a life with grace and ease
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