Saturday, May 10, 2014

Vulnerability & Fear... The Gift.... An Open Letter to the Women in My Life...

Food for thought....
As we convene together in the Kimberly Reyes Lifestyle by Design Community and the Journey continues... 

To truly be vulnerable, open and going the extra mile on that journey takes something BIG and POWERFUL. We are on this journey together... but we all join it from a different place. What is easy for one may be difficult for the other and vice versa. When you are conscious of that, it allows you to receive the other person from where they stand, instead of projecting onto them. You truly gain the ability to see them without judgement.... Just from a place of love.

Why do we stay closed off and have such a difficult time being 
open and vulnerable? 
It's because we are afraid that we will be 
judged and that people will turn their backs on us and leave 
when they see the real us.

publicly offer my letter to her, that may have been private, as food for thought for the entire community. I am speaking for myself now. But, I encourage you all to think about what this means. What it would mean to you and what it looks like to offer it to someone else... to authentically embrace the words and deliver them from your heart. 

I have been gifted this message twice in my life from close friends and probably would have never been able to move into vulnerability and sharing without that security. 
Read the message below to my friend and one of my alliance partners. Is this missing in your life? .... What would it look like to sit and receive 

Dear Friend,

As my friend, You are safe. You are INVITED to show up as you are... authentic, vulnerable, open and exposed. The good, the bad and the ugly... cause it's not always pretty for any of us. Once I invite you into my inner circle... and friend... I have... I will not leave you. That is my word to you.
I respect you. I will not judge you. I will keep your words in confidence. It is a true gift of friendship when you allow yourself to be vulnerable, authentic and show your soft underbelly....
You are invited to show up how ever your heart tells you to. You do not need to be afraid....


Sent from my heart to yours with love,

Kimberly Reyes is DETERMINED to change the way that Women Network and Collaborate together! One Woman, One Event, One Network, One Community at a time! If you want a safe place where peers that are hand selected to support you, who are truly creating community to see the other successful, and are all rising to the top together as ONE…Join Us... 

Find Out More...Kimberly Reyes  Lifestyle by Design Energy Summit Community

Kimberly Reyes
Pathfinder, Lifestyle Curator, Master Networker, Author & Speaker

Helping you design a life connected to your true North

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