I have taken a lot of heat along the way. Living my life in public and sharing my journey has invited opinions, commentary and criticism. All of those things have actually turned out to be okay with me. I put it out there... Showed my vulnerabilities, held strong in my convictions (which is harder than you think), and continued with my truth.
Coming out on this side, I hope you see the value that it can have for you too! I survived... so far. I am better for it and I am getting what I want. My Lifestyle Design is becoming a reality.
I have really been criticized for having a list and expectations. A friend was so frustrated with me that I refused to just let things happen without expectations, has actually cut off most contact with me. But, the truth is that he lives his life without expectation and is always in flux; never really achieving anything.
People have asked me why I didn't stay with this man or that, how come I dated so much, why my expectations were so high. I have been kidded about being a man eater :-) This is not my truth. I am proud of the fact that I am still friends with all of my boyfriends over the last 4 years except 1. Several would give it another try... They are wonderful men. Just because they were not right for me, does not mean that they aren't perfect for another. I was not mean or too difficult :-)... I just refused to settle for less than I wanted. I was never looking for perfection. I was looking for someone that was willing to offer something amazingly special. I knew that when I met someone that truly wanted and valued me... he would step into that space and he has. If I hadn't of had expectations and standards, I never would have gotten what I wanted and needed. Not from anyone... not even Bob. He didn't just hand it to me on a silver platter. I believed in tomorrow and knew that it would come true.
Judgement comes for many reasons; I believe MOST are originated in concern and care. I choose to believe and will continue to believe that. Most people can only see through their personal filters. If they have had bad experiences... they want to save you from the same.
My point is that if you truly, deeply believe in your journey and your path, don't let anyone tell you that it isn't valid. Believe in you and others will too. We manifest what we want in life.
I am so looking forward to my next manifestation and setting intentions party!
I am so looking forward to my next manifestation and setting intentions party!
Make sure to sign up to the right for updates and invites!
It works!
It works!
I invite you to make a list of your
hearts desires and share at least one here with us!
Kimberly R Lifestyle by Design
Designing a life with grace and ease
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