Little did I know what would happen when I embarked on this journey. I have been involved in Mastermind groups that really didn't amount to much, except connecting with a few fabulous women to drink wine. We would hash around business issues and searched out solutions from our counterparts... Paid or free groups ---- the same results... Not much productivity or solutions produced...
Not this time...
I met my team like I meet many people... Spotted Joie from across the room and said, "Hey, we need to have a glass of wine together!" ... Pat was assisting me with some business advice, which led to an invitation to connect... and the rest was history.
Jumped right into the middle of the pool!
Here is what is so Unique about Our
Mastermind Team and the difference
that it has made in my life...
We are all SO different from each other: our personalities, the way we process, the way we communicate, how we interpret information and express ourselves, the way we move through life... it is all different. The commonality is our desire to succeed, our ethics, missions, driving force and common goals, our deep commitment to moving women forward and our loyalty and support for each other...
We started meeting once a month. It moved to twice a month. Then it was twice a month in person and twice a month by google chat. Now it is a daily interaction in two private facebook pages where we pass our ideas and needs to each other throughout the day.
Just like any other relationship, it has taken work and understanding. You can't have three people that are so different, work together as closely as we do, without conscious work and consessions.
When we first started working together, we would go to a restaurant and take turns going around the table and addressing whatever it was that we needed to talk about. I was all over the place... like normal - never really able to focus on what I wanted or the direction that I needed to go. I had so many interests and ideas...
Here's Where it all Changed & Started for Me...

These two women are so smart and so talented.. that I would joke that they kept inviting me back because I was the funny one... Why do we do that to ourselves? I made light of myself to ease the tension. I am super smart! Was it to take away from the fact that I couldn't make a decision and focus on my journey...??? What they have shown me is that isn't my strength. It doesn't need to be. That isn't my gift. So, they helped with what I wasn't strong at... allowing me to soar and be productive with my talents.
That's the thing. We have been working so closely, that we know each other well enough, to help the others be fully who we are meant to be. They support me wholly and it is amazing and empowering. They know that some of their strengths are my most challenging weaknesses They see a gap and they fill it in. They don't watch me struggle or say anything about it. They say, "I'm coming over, set aside two hours" or email me x,y,z and I'll take a look at it. They have gifted me with the absolute present. They see me and allow me to function in my best space, so that I can be the most productive person possible. They have given me permission to take care of myself, to work balance into our working relationship and when it get's super stressful... they know that I need to go for a walk or visit the beach or just be... I am not a task master. I'll do it. But, I don't live there well... I am not my best in that situation. They know that and acknowledged it even when I didn't want to admit it... because that was exposing a weakness.
They are kind to me.
They communicate with me the best way that suites my personality. They don't necessarily speak to each other that way. But, they are not me. I watch them hashing issues out with each other in a very intense way... and as they turn to me, I watch the energy shift. They know me and I know them. We are considerate of that. When they are persnickety .. I don't take it personally (usually). I know that they are dealing in a different way than I do.
It's all out there. I have been stripped and completely vulnerable As I confessed my deepest fears and weaknesses .. I was slightly amused to see that they were not surprised .. they already knew. We always think that we have everything covered and that people don't know... When they really do. If they are paying attention, they already know.
Don't get me wrong... Sometimes I feel a little battered....
At times it has felt like therapy... But, what an amazing bond that we have developed because we have refused to let the other fall. No matter what the hurdle, we have stood in that space and supported each other through the discomfort so that we could understand one another and assure the success of the team. Once we understood the differences we could embrace and love the whole person; which only made the resolve to see the others success, that more profound, deep and committed.
To move to such deep professional support, we had to address personalities and communication. We could have walked away and found something more comfortable... But, we would have ended up drinking wine with some non-productive group again. I don't put that effort in for anyone unless I truly want to make the effort to keep someone in my life.
We have respect and admiration. We know each other's strengths and weaknesses. We love each other as people and have become as close as sisters. The magic that has happened in our lives personally and professionally is almost explainable.
So, it started out to be a traditional Mastermind Group. What has happened is that it has turned out to be so much more... We are Mastering our Lives: Our businesses, Our relationships, Our journey's... None of it is singular. It can't be.
I have always been told that I am the strongest woman that people have ever met. It has been a breathe of fresh air, with a sigh of relief to be book-ended with women of such strength and character. My counterparts. So different, yet so alike...
absolutely equal with complimentary strengths and weaknesses.
I have waited a lifetime for those relationships.
Three Powerful, Independent, Successful Women Supporting each other fully in Life, Relationships and Business.
It doesn't have to be one or the other... We can have it all! It's a beautiful thing and an amazing experience. It is my wish for all women to have a similar opportunity and beautiful Journey.
Joie Gharrity and Patricia Haddock
you have truly been a gift in my life.
Thank you my friends,
Designing a life with grace and ease
Kimberly, this is beautiful. I am honored and humbled and feel so inspired by you. As an introvert, you respect my needs and make it safe for me, too. Together, you both fill in the empty spaces in my strengths to make me stronger than I could ever have been alone. xoxo. Pat