I have been sitting reflecting and feeling deep gratitude over the last few weeks... I took my time to release this letter and I hope it touches ALL of the appropriate people. I have such a deep feeling of love and care around me.
I truly appreciate everyone that has reached out, kept me in their thoughts privately and/or showed up on my doorstep.
I needed you...
I know it's long... Read the beginning, the end and skim the middle for what applies to you
I have been a work in progress my whole life... But, since I consciously shifted about 6 -8 years ago I have drawn the most amazing people into my life. I know that it took a shift in me to manifest that... but, here is where I sit today.

Upon the first word from me, the support was strong and consistent. People from all areas of my life showed up in ways that I could not have imagined before.
My close friends gifted me with such kindness and they insisted that I treat myself with love and care as well. I have made decisions and choices that I have never made before in either my business or my personal life. I have always pushed through with a great cost to myself, my health and well being. I have gotten it all done at a price. It was very different this time.
I had a party that I did not want to cancel because it was in support of another friend... Me - the recovering Martha Stewart on Crack Hostess... did something unthinkable. I messaged my friends and said that I didn't want to reschedule and I asked for help. I did not have time to even get to the grocery store. My guests showed up with flowers, food and drink. I did not even have condiments in my refrigerator... They brought it all and I did not even feel guilty.They gifted me with that support. I was open to the help and thankful that they were all there to add such loving positive energy to my home.
My local support and Mastermind Team messaged me and called me to check in. They got me out of the house. Took on some of my work... without me asking and showed me incredible kindness. Kindness like I have NEVER known in my life.
I am not sure that everyone is gifted with this support. I hope that they are...

I have connected with people from High School... Those reunions that I never attend, but engaged in the community online has astounded me. That is one of the strongest support systems that I have ever seen. For each other and big time for me. Very special people that have shown up and supported me with absolute sincerity. Not just now, but consistently. Some may have known me, knew of me or not at all. As adults we have a unique connection. They are solid, caring and kind people. I have been busy with work and building my business and my engaging has dropped off... but, with one word that I was in need... they showed up front and center for me with offers of support, checking on me, offering a place to stay, to meet me when I was a mess... and more. A group that has known me for 30 years and although I am scarcely the same person that I was then... there is still a familiarity and it is a gift that cannot be properly expressed.
My David is such a rock in my life.
I am not sure what I am going to do when he gets married again :-) But, he google chatted with me, texted me, called me... followed me and always was/is there. Even though he does not live close... he is always connected. One of the BIGGEST gifts that I could ever have in my life. His sister too... sends me support and really makes me feel like a part of their family. Nothing like being in on the family chat time <3

My facebook friends checked in and asked when I was not offering. Funny... It seems that I am one of the few people that actually personally knows most of my FB friends. With time and distance I may not see or talk to you all of the time.... But, I know you and appreciate you. When the people I know say that they are praying for my sister... I know that they are not just going through the motions or saying it in passing. I KNOW that you are taking a moment to send energy to my family.
My guest cleaned the house for me, picked up coffee and toilet paper from the store and sat with me; providing the most amazing kindness and comfort. A gift that I needed.
Two Doctors that I am connected to through facebook messaged me privately and gave me advice and support. A true gift and comfort.
Friends and Strong amazing women that I am connected with around the country set aside Prayer time so that we could pray and send energy to my sister ALL at the same time. An amazing gift which is much more than I can express here. You know who you are <3
One of the first people that I rented my spare room to through airbnb follows me on facebook. She sincerely showed up BIG time. Not only with empathy and care, but offered her home to me while she was away on vacation: keys and all.... so that I had a calm place to get away that was not far from the hospital.
Family that have not been in touch have reached out to show support. Good things come out of horrible situations.... A gift.
The messages and support that I have received online, offline, in person, on the phone and energetically has been OFF the HOOK! I hope that I did not forget to mention anyone....

Time is the biggest gift that you can ever give to me. I know what that means. I know the value of you taking the time out of your busy life to support me:; stopping and connecting when I needed you. I cannot begin to express how much I appreciate ALL of you. I wish I could email everyone and call everyone and this seems like so little for receiving so much....
Here is the thing... What I know for sure is that the prayers that were sent for my sister and family did not only help her. I know that they were intended for me too... I felt it. It helped me to deal and heal and I am sitting in absolute awe and gratitude...
Tomorrow's blog... Good from Bad: the Journey....
Thank You with all of my heart,
ReplyDeleteI have known you for a few years, but feel like I've known you most of my life. Funny how a compassionate soul is to others. You reflect traits that resonate our good, and when we forget sometimes how awesome and resilient we are. Your goodness and sincerity was paid in love and kindness over the weeks since your family crisis.
I am glad I met you at the MMI in San Jose and going with you to experience Unleash The Power afterwards. I wish your sister a rapid recovery, peace of mind, and continued health. For you I wish financial freedom and a healthy, beautiful, focused, grounded business and home life.
David DuMolin
Thank you David for your kind words and sharing. With gratitude <3 Kimberly